Test design breakpoints using jest and react-testing-library

Test responsive design using jest and react-testing-library

Testing design breakpoints in React applications is an important aspect of front-end development. It ensures that the components look and behave as expected on different screen sizes….

Testing React-Query with Jest and React-testing-library

Testing React-Query with Jest and React-testing-library

Introduction In this article we will cover the basic usage of testing useQuery hook from tanstack/react-query library, along with how to test it using jest and react-testing-library….

Submit formik form using React-Query mutations

Submit formik form using React-Query mutations

In this article you will learn how to create forms using Formik library, and how to submit the forms using React-Query mutation hook. We will cover the…

useNavigate may be used only in the context of a component

useNavigate may be used only in the context of a component

If you’ve ever faced the following error in React: useNavigate() may be used only in the context of a component This error throws in useNavigate hook.  This happens…

 How To Dynamically load a JavaScript file in React

How To Dynamically load a JavaScript file in React

Introduction Some use cases require loading a specific Javascript script conditionally, this article will demonstrate how to dynamically load a javascript file in React once a particular…

How to invalidate query after mutations in React-Query

How to invalidate query after mutations in React-Query

Introduction Query invalidation is an essential part while working with React-Query. Usually, when there is a mutation in the app, there are queries related, and when a…

How to handle multiple queries with React-Query

How to handle multiple queries with React-Query

A super cool feature of React Query is that we can execute multiple queries in the same component, whether these queries are dependent or independent of each…

No QueryClient set, use QueryClientProvider to set one

No QueryClient set, use QueryClientProvider to set one

When working with React-Query you might encounter the following error: No QueryClient set, use QueryClientProvider to set one, this source of this error might be one of…


React-Query: How to fetch queries conditionally

Introduction React-Query is a powerful tool for fetching/caching the data on the frontend side, in this article we’re going to demonstrate how we can fetch the queries…