How To Re-render React Components in Jest

How To Re-render React Components in Jest

Re-rendering a component is an important part of testing, especially when you are testing stateful components. Jest, React Testing Library and Enzyme provide methods to re-render components…

Test design breakpoints using jest and react-testing-library

Test responsive design using jest and react-testing-library

Testing design breakpoints in React applications is an important aspect of front-end development. It ensures that the components look and behave as expected on different screen sizes….

Testing React-Query with Jest and React-testing-library

Testing React-Query with Jest and React-testing-library

Introduction In this article we will cover the basic usage of testing useQuery hook from tanstack/react-query library, along with how to test it using jest and react-testing-library….

Found multiple elements error in React Testing Library

Found multiple elements error in React Testing Library

Introduction While working with React-Testing-Library to test UI components, you might encounter an error like the following: HTML Structure: Here’s an example of the HTML structure that…


Testing React-Query with Mock Service Worker

In this article i’ll show you how to test React-Query with Mock Service Worker(MSW). Prerequisites This article will be dependent on a previous articles we published about…


Testing Infinite Query With Jest And React-testing-library

In our first article How to test Infinite Query With Jest And React-testing-library, We talked about how to implement React-Query useInfinitieQuery and react-infinite-scroll together to lazy load…


How to test Infinite Query With Jest And React-testing-library

React-Query is a powerful tool for fetching/caching the data on the frontend side, yet testing React-Query with Jest and React-testing-library might be a bit not straight-forward, in…