How to Optimize React-query web app Performance

How to Optimize React-query web app Performance

If you’re building a web application that relies on slow, remote data sources, optimizing performance can be a challenge. Luckily, React-Query provides a powerful solution to this problem. In this article, we’ll go over the basics of React-Query and show you how it can help deliver a faster, smoother user experience.

Understanding React-Query and Its Benefits

React-Query is a library that makes it easy to fetch, cache, and update asynchronous data in React applications. It provides developers with a simple and intuitive API for managing data, taking care of common concerns such as loading states, caching, and error handling. In essence, React-Query simplifies the process of managing remote data and allows you to focus on building great user experiences.

What is React-Query?

React-Query is a data fetching library for React that provides a declarative API for handling asynchronous data. It allows developers to easily fetch and update data from remote APIs, and simplifies the process of handling loading states, caching, and error handling.

React-Query is a powerful tool for managing data in React applications. It provides a number of features that make it easy to fetch and manipulate data from remote APIs, including automatic caching and background fetching, request deduplication, and concurrent and parallel queries. With React-Query, developers can focus on building great user experiences, without worrying about performance concerns.

Key Features of React-Query

Some of the key features of React-Query include:

  • Automatic caching and background fetching
  • Automatic refetching on stale data
  • Request deduplication
  • Concurrent and parallel queries
  • Paginated and infinite queries
  • Optimistic updates

These features make React-Query a powerful tool for managing data in React applications. With automatic caching and background fetching, data is automatically cached on the client-side, which reduces the number of requests to the server and improves performance. Additionally, background fetching allows data to be updated behind the scenes, which minimizes the need for explicit user actions and delivers a smoother user experience.

Request deduplication ensures that only one request is made for the same data, even if multiple components are requesting the same data at the same time. This reduces the number of requests to the server and improves performance.

Concurrent and parallel queries allow multiple requests to be made at the same time, which can improve performance and reduce the time it takes to load data. Paginated and infinite queries allow developers to fetch large amounts of data in a more efficient manner, by only fetching the data that is needed at the time.

Finally, optimistic updates allow developers to update the UI immediately, without waiting for the server to respond. This provides a smoother user experience and makes it easier to build responsive and interactive applications.

How React-Query Improves Performance

By providing a simple and intuitive API for fetching remote data, React-Query allows you to optimize your application’s performance in a number of ways. One of the key benefits of using React-Query is that it eliminates the need for much of the boilerplate code that is typically involved in managing data fetching and caching in React applications. This means that you can focus on building features and improving the user experience, rather than worrying about performance concerns.

Another key benefit of React-Query is its automatic caching and background fetching capabilities. This means that data is automatically cached on the client-side, which reduces the number of requests to the server and improves performance. Additionally, background fetching allows data to be updated behind the scenes, which minimizes the need for explicit user actions and delivers a smoother user experience.

With React-Query, developers can also take advantage of request deduplication, concurrent and parallel queries, and paginated and infinite queries, all of which can improve performance and reduce the time it takes to load data.

Overall, React-Query is a powerful tool for managing data in React applications, and can help developers build great user experiences while optimizing performance.

Setting Up React-Query in Your Project

React-Query is a powerful library that simplifies data fetching and caching in React applications. It allows you to easily manage data and state without the need for complex code. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up React-Query in your project.

Getting started with React-Query is simple. Here are the basic steps:

Step 1: Installing React-Query

The first step to setting up React-Query is to install it in your project. You can do this by running the following command in your project directory:

npm install react-query

Step 2: Configuring React-Query Provider

Once you have installed React-Query, you will need to wrap your application in a ReactQueryProvider component. This component gives your app access to the global query cache and other React-Query features. Here’s an example:

const queryClient = new QueryClient();

     <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
       <App />
       <ToastContainer />

This configuration sets the default options for queries and mutations. You can customize these options to fit your specific needs.

Step 3: Creating Custom Hooks with React-Query

One of the most powerful features of React-Query is its ability to create custom hooks that encapsulate data fetching and caching. This allows you to reuse data fetching logic across your application and keeps your code organized and maintainable. Here’s an example of a custom hook that fetches a list of users:

function useUsers() {
    return useQuery('users', async () => {
        const response = await fetch('/api/users');
        return response.json();

This custom hook fetches data from an API endpoint and returns the response as a JSON object. You can use this hook in any component that needs to fetch and display a list of users.

With React-Query, you can create custom hooks for any type of data fetching and caching logic. This makes it easy to manage complex data and state in your application.

Fetching Data with React-Query

Fetching data with React-Query is simple and intuitive. Here are some of the basic techniques:

Basic Data Fetching

The simplest way to fetch data with React-Query is to use the useQuery hook. This hook takes a query key and an asynchronous function that returns the data you want to fetch. Here’s an example:

function MyComponent() {
    const {
    } = useQuery('todos', fetchTodos);

In this example, the useQuery hook is used to fetch a list of todos. The fetchTodos function is an asynchronous function that returns the data you want to fetch. The isLoading, error, and data variables are used to track the state of the query.

React-Query also provides other hooks, such as useMutation and useQueryClient, that can be used to handle mutations and access the query cache.

Handling Pagination

React-Query makes it easy to handle paginated data. You can use the useInfiniteQuery hook for infinite pagination or the usePaginatedQuery hook for traditional pagination. Here’s an example of using useInfiniteQuery:

function MyComponent() {
    const {
    } = useInfiniteQuery('todos', ({
        pageParam = 0
    }) => fetch(`/api/todos?page=\${pageParam}`), {
        getNextPageParam: (lastPage, pages) => lastPage.nextPage,

In this example, the useInfiniteQuery hook is used to fetch paginated data. The fetch function is used to fetch the data for each page. The getNextPageParam function is used to determine the next page to fetch.

The fetchNextPage function can be used to fetch the next page of data. The hasNextPage variable is used to determine if there are more pages to fetch. The isFetchingNextPage variable is used to track the state of the query.

Working with Dependent Queries

React-Query allows you to easily create dependent queries, where the result of one query is used as input to another. This can be useful when you need to fetch related data or calculate derived data. Here’s an example:

function MyComponent() {
    const {
        data: userIds
    } = useQuery('userIds', fetchUserIds);
    const {
        data: users
    } = useQuery(['users', userIds], fetchUsersForIds);

In this example, the useQuery hook is used to fetch user ids and users. The fetchUserIds function is used to fetch the user ids. The fetchUsersForIds function is used to fetch the users for the given ids. The userIds variable is used as the input to the second query.

React-Query also provides other features, such as caching, retries, and background updates, that can be used to optimize data fetching in your application.

Mutating Data and Optimistic Updates

In addition to fetching data, React-Query also provides a simple and intuitive API for mutating data. This allows developers to easily update data on the server and reflect those changes in the UI. Here are some of the basic techniques:

Performing Mutations with React-Query

The simplest way to perform mutations with React-Query is to use the useMutation hook. This hook takes a mutation function that performs the update on the server and returns the updated data. This makes it easy to update data without having to manually manage state. Here’s an example:

function MyComponent() {
    const [mutate] = useMutation(addTodo);

In this example, the addTodo function is used to add a new todo item to the server. The useMutation hook returns a mutate function that can be called to trigger the mutation.

Implementing Optimistic Updates

Optimistic updates are a powerful feature of React-Query that allows you to update the client-side cache optimistically, before the mutation has even been sent to the server. This can lead to a smoother user experience and reduced latency. Here’s an example:

function MyComponent() {
    const [mutate] = useMutation(addTodo, {
        optimisticUpdater: (cache, newTodo) => {
            cache.setQueryData('todos', oldTodos => [...oldTodos, newTodo]);

In this example, the optimisticUpdater function is used to update the client-side cache with the new todo item before the mutation has been sent to the server. This makes it appear as though the update has already happened, leading to a smoother user experience. If the mutation fails, the cache is automatically rolled back to its previous state.

Handling Error States

React-Query provides a simple and intuitive API for handling error states in your application. You can use the isError and error properties of the query object to detect and display error messages. Here’s an example:

function MyComponent() {
    const {
    } = useQuery('todos', fetchTodos);

In this example, the isError property is used to detect if there was an error while fetching the todos. If there was an error, the error property can be used to display an error message to the user. This makes it easy to handle error states in your application and provide a better user experience.


React-Query is a powerful library that can help you optimize the performance of your web applications. By simplifying the process of managing remote data, React-Query allows you to focus on building great user experiences. Whether you’re fetching data, handling mutations, or managing error states, React-Query provides a simple and intuitive API that makes it easy to deliver lightning-fast, reliable applications. So if you’re looking to improve the performance of your React applications, give React-Query a try!

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